It’s All in Your Mind!
Yep, that’s where a story is…in your mind and in the minds of your listeners. When telling a story, the audience has the opportunity to use their own background knowledge, personal experiences, and imaginations. That’s what brings the story to life in your listeners’ minds. They can actually “see” the story being played out…kind of like a movie of the mind.
When my daughter was four years old, I read lots of stories to her, and, of course, told lots of stories as well. One evening I asked her if she would rather I read a story or told a story. Without skipping a beat, she said, “I would rather you told a story.”
“Why?” I asked. Wait to you read what this four year old said!
“Because you get to see the pictures in your mind.” Powerful! Need I say more? No, but I will.
One time I was telling a story to a group of youngsters. (My stories are very “safe” and are always appropriately geared toward my age group.) There was a part where the listener didn’t know what was going to happen to the bird in the story. I always make eye contact with my audience, and when I looked at one of the kids, he had his hands covering his eyes! Why? He didn’t want to see what was going to happen next.
In short, you don’t have to put on a song and a dance when telling. Just believe in your story and focus on telling it well. Your audience will “see” it in their minds.
PS The bird was perfectly fine! Just in case you were wondering.