Stories and Kids

Recently, I told stories at our local intermediate school’s Literacy Night. I had two sessions. One for third graders and the other for fourth and fifth graders combined. What a great feeling when the kids gathered in front of me…munching on popcorn, I might add!

I chose to tell two folk tales to each group. With great enthusiasm, the children participated with the interactive parts of the stories. The third graders had the opportunity to stand and act out some repetitive parts of  one story. They all stood! Everyone of them. I had as much fun telling these stories as they had listening and participating. Oh, by the way, the teller participates, too!

It’s unusual for every single child to stand and participate during a telling. Sometimes there are children who just want to listen or are too shy or too embarrassed…and that’s  okay; they’re still listening and enjoying the experience. But that night…every single third grader got right up and into the story. Oh! The power of a story!