Fun With Props

Handing out cutout characters for the kids.
Handing out cutout characters for the kids.

Use what works for you. Sometimes just one small prop will do. For example, I’ve used a button to tell the old story, “The Button.” I’d like to note that I do not use the other garments that are in the story, but you could if it works for you.  Using just the button is very effective because it adds some fun to the surprise ending, and it’s the only prop.

Suggestions for Props:

Hand puppets

Stick puppets

Finger puppets

Chart paper and markers to draw parts of the story

Flannel board pieces Head pieces (works well for stories like the Three Billy Goats Gruff) Masks

Large character cutouts the size of the children

Stuffed animals

Musical instruments Labels (The King)

Signs (I’m Off to Visit the World)

Simple costumes such as a hat, a scarf, a cape…etc.


Keep in mind that many of these props can be used by the children to make the story interactive.   Use your imagination. Think about your story and create a prop that would be fun and enhance the story as well.