If you love stories and would like to become a storyteller, check out my blog on storytelling tips and techniques.

Great for kids, teachers, and anyone who loves the oral tradition of storytelling. Enjoy!

Hi! My name is Edna Waidell Cravitz.  I am a retired elementary school teacher, and I taught all grade levels from kindergarten through fifth grade.

Now that I am retired, there is still not enough time to do everything!  But, maybe, that’s because I want to do so much.  I love writing picture books and short stories, clogging, and storytelling. When I taught fifth grade, I founded a storytelling troupe for fifth graders that gave the children an opportunity to experience the power and joy of storytelling.

I grew up in the coal regions of Pennsylvania and now live in the beautiful Susquehanna Valley of Central Pennsylvania with my husband. I have two children, two step-children, five grandchildren, two dogs and a cat!