A writer friend, Kathie, invited me to participate in a fiction writers’ blog hop. She sent a list of questions to answer about a book I’m writing. To keep the blog hop hopping, I’m to introduce another fiction author. So here goes: What is the name of your character? Margaret...
Articles by ecravitz
Clogging and Storytelling? Yep!
In addition to telling stories, I love to clog dance. So, of course, I thought why couldn’t I put the two together to tell a fun story to kids? But I just couldn’t come up with a good idea. Then one day, luck came my way. I was fortunate...
Eggs as Props…Really?
Elizabeth Van Lew was a southerner, an abolitionist, and a Union spy during the Civil War. Children are mesmerized by her story and particularly like how she managed to get secret information about the Confederate Army’s strategies to the Union. She actually used eggs to hide secrets. So, how...
Fun With Props
Use what works for you. Sometimes just one small prop will do. For example, I’ve used a button to tell the old story, “The Button.” I’d like to note that I do not use the other garments that are in the story, but you could if it works for...
Using Props: Yes or No?
You don’t really need props to tell a good story. In fact, some die-hard storytellers would never use a prop. I do…with kids. I would recommend using props, but I think it depends on your story and your audience and never go overboard with your props. Keep it simple!...
Storytelling Troupe: Let’s Get Telling!
The first few years of running the troupe, each child chose one story to tell, and we performed group stories as well. We formed small groups and gathered in different locations around our school, and each child in the small group told his or her own story. The children...
More on Starting A Storytelling Troupe
More on Starting a Storytelling Troupe After breaking the ice and getting acquainted, we were ready to roll. Ice breakers are probably only needed the first two or three sessions (or as often as you feel needed). When we met the first few times, I would tell a story...
Getting Your Troupe Started
Getting Your Storytelling Troupe Started The first year I started my storytelling troupe, I was scared to death! I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing, but I did! And why was that? Children are hungry for stories. It’s as simple as that. They wanted to be...
The Mind’s Eye
It’s All in Your Mind! Yep, that’s where a story is…in your mind and in the minds of your listeners. When telling a story, the audience has the opportunity to use their own background knowledge, personal experiences, and imaginations. That’s what brings the story to life in your listeners’...
Children’s Storytelling Troupe
If you are a storyteller, a teacher, or someone who just loves to tell stories, you may some day be interested in starting your very own storytelling troupe for kids. I did! And if I could do it, trust me anyone can! When I taught fifth grade, I founded...